Thursday, September 27, 2012

Animated GIF Assignment

What it looks like on a webpage with the background and quote.

Our assignment was to find a meaningful part of a movie, television show or video game (cinematic) that brought a lot of emotion. This project taught me how to use frames and masks in Photoshop.

The animation was cut down by about 300 frames to 11 frames that would be repeated. I am very glad how it turned out. The animation is really smooth and has no noticeable flaws. I faced trouble cutting the size, which is why I needed to use masks. Since there was a verity of colours, I needed to take a few out so the file would be small enough.

In the beginning, my teacher thought this was going to be a mess. In all honesty, a challenge. She told me the colour was too vibrant and bold, that I needed to find meaning behind the actual scene and that it would be a struggle to actually mask the full moving Oliver because it is not subtle. He is bouncing around like a jelly bean!!

For the background I used Colours revolving around the whole theme. The oranges, blacks and grays. I was trying to go for city streets; the movie takes place in New York.

The film is about Oliver, who is a stray kitten raised and protected by dogs. He then learns the ropes and secrets of the city while on adventures with them and a homeless man named Fagin.

The symbolic meaning behind this GIF. It doesn’t matter what you act like or look like, find people you can fit in with, who you feel comfortable with. Don't limit yourself with stereotypes that say you should be here because you look like this (cat fitting in with dogs) or act like this. Just be yourself and go along with the flow! Being different isn't a bad thing. (Oliver "barks" instead of "meows")

I chose the quote because it’s true. You need to find your beat. Your strengths. You need to learn them and keep building them up because one day you could do great things!!

Don't limit yourself; Reach for more than just the stars!

I am very proud with how this was finished. Would I change it? Nope, I accepted the challenge and in the end turned out great!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Info Graph: Steps To Become An Animator

Our first assignment of the year in tech is to create an info graph! what's an info graph? An Info Graph or "Information Graph" is a eye catching way to display knowledge about something without the audience loosing interest. One good website filled with many of these is Information is Beautiful. Here is a link to see some well designed graphs from that site. Click Here

So this was my first attempt at creating one. I was a little lost on what needed to be done and how much info needed to be displayed. personally I think the overall finished product came out good. I think a couple of things I could change would be adding more colour to the subtitles, bigger text and maybe a different method to display my work. The only reason why I couldn't change those things was because I already converted both reels into symbols. I should have saved an extra copy. I like the background and title. I honestly think next time I shouldn't add all info, just the key factors.

~*UPDATE*~ Font fixed and less writing.

Click on the image to enlarge

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Weekly Tech post #1 - Spinning

Take a photo of something spinning.

I love how this came out, the lighting I find the coolest. The motion from the fan's arms creat a blur and with the dark lighting, looks like shadows! The middle is extremly bright and creates a nice focal point. Reminds me of heaven and the darkness around it. (click for larger view)

School of Arts- Sheridan (Requirements)

Summer is over, back to yet another year of CyberArts! hopefully It will end with a bang! I want to try more "thinking outside the box" approches to my work. Many posts and new artwork to come!

This is my final year of high school (can you believe it!?) and my class was assigned to research one art college or university related to the CyberArts Program and write down all requirements. I chose Sheridan College because they have a wide range of different courses to choose from.  It's located in Toronto, Canada. They have opened a new campus in Mississauga just recently!

I chose Animation as one of the many courses offered that connect with CyberArts in some way.

Here are the Portfolio Requirements - Degree
It's pretty much just stating to show your best work.
> Animal drawings
> Life drawings
> Hand Drawings
> Character Rotation sheet
> Expression sheet
> Story boarding ideas
> Household Items
> Room Line Drawing

Here are the Portfolio Requirements - Bridging

> Life drawings
> 2 Original characters
> Story boarding ideas
> 3 Layouts and scenes
> 10 Second animation including lip synch

Here are the Fees
Prices vary between how many courses you take and how many years. They are within the $1000 price range.

Applying is always difficult if you don't have the right material. Keeping a portfolio up to date and with a verity of different mediums is always a great idea, to show them how diverse you are.