Thursday, March 29, 2012

#9 Life Observation: Death

Yesterday it was late at night and I let my dog out before I was going to go to bed. I went to let her inside and called for my dog several times. I turned on the light to see why she wasn’t responding, she was sniffing the dying body of a young robin. I was so upset and felt hurt for the robin; after my dog was let in I just stared at it. The robin’s wings were spread out and were lying on her chest breathing heavily, scared and injured. I finally ran inside and grabbed a towel to pick her up. By the time I got back to her she tried to move a bit and stopped dead in her tracks. I could see her looking at me and she blinked twice slowly, then let go of life. I picked her up and placed her on my decks table and cried. That’s the second time I’ve seen something fade away. I hate being there knowing I can’t do anything for them and that they died for no reason and did nothing to deserve it. She was so light and lifeless. I just really think people take life for granted sometimes because it could end at any time. That poor robin was probably just hungry, looking for food for her family, trying to take of what she had in life worth living for. I know it's my fault she died and all I could do was sit and watch this helpless little bird slowly die. I apologize and I feel extremely depressed.

Friday, March 23, 2012

#8 Trip to the AGO

Thursday was a great bright and sunny day. Our CyberArts class decided to go on a trip to the Art Gallery Of Ontario. It was my first time visting the gallery and in my opinion, it was very inspiring. We visited a variety of different exhibits, and focused on industrial photography and the renaissance. I think my favourite painting was a fairly small painting (compared to the others) called "View Into a Hall with a Jester, a Girl and her Dog" by Gabriƫl Metsu. We viewed the Iain Baxter& exhibit as well and i thought it was strange yet artistic. My favourite Piece in the room was a large number of dead stuffed animals stacked on poles as if it were some sort of strange forest. Overall i really enjoyed my time at the AGO and wouldn't mind going again for a longer visit.

"View Into a Hall with a Jester, a Girl and her Dog"

I drew a quick sketch while at the AGO with my classmates of the small dog in the painting. The dog really caught my eye, he really felt alive and the brush strokes were very flowing to create a great texture of fur.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

#7 Tips and Tricks: Recut Trailers

Our next assignment is to re create a movie/television show trailer with a different feel from the original film. For example, if the movie is scary we need to re create it to be the opposite. I was interested in the topic and decided to look at a few to get some ideas and inspiration. I found a really good one based on the movie "Saving Private Ryan" that was re done as a comedy. I like how they used a variety of different techniques such as speeding clips up, music, clips that are funny and good choice of words to express the film in a different way. I was thinking on doing either a funny film to a scary one or a scary film to a funny one. For now i'm going to plan out some ideas and find some music based on my final choice. I will post the finished project eventually, till then, enjoy this great recut!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

#6 Inspiration through other artists: Andrew Hussie

Andrew Hussie is very similar to my previous inspiration in many ways. They are both very popular young artists that both triumph in digital art and animation. He runs an extremely popular and still growing online comic known as HomeStruck. The comic contains moving repeats, flashes and even games were you can control and talk to the characters. Most of his work is created using Microsoft paint and shows amazing amounts of imagination. Andrew Inspires me because his work has many different themes and techniques combined into one as well as his amazing vocabulary skills. Andrew Hussie works for the site called MS Paint Adventures, I think he must enjoy his job because he is getting paid to become famous and to do things he enjoys rather than just making it a hobbies. I think Andrew has a bright and successful future as he is gaining many new fans every day.

Characters from Andrew's comic "HomeStuck"

Monday, March 5, 2012

#5 Life Observation: March Break

I was curious as to why we have a March break and why it was created. I researched a few sites and March break was created at the end of World War II, and votes passed in the 1980s. Fort Lauderdale, Florida, was a well known spring break destination in the United States for college students. It was made by the efforts of one man, George Warren "Bob" Gill Jr., who was called "the Father of Fort Lauderdale spring break". I really think people decided we needed a bit of a break every once and a while because we have lives outside of knowledge. All humans require other social activities such as family matters, friends, loved ones and entertainment. If we didn’t interact with one another outside of our working environments people would become aggressive, depressed and socially awkward at the worst. I think March break is a great holiday weekend and gives us a major break! HAPPY MARCH BREAK EVERYONE!!