Monday, May 28, 2012

# 18 Final Thoughts

Well honestly, I can't believe it. There is only three more weeks of school left until the summer vacation. This will be my last blog post for the year other than my poster and music video update! This year has been very busy but good. I have learned about using video editing software and resizing images. I will need to create an online portfolio about my work I have completed this year with some images and paragraphs explaining it. I think this summer I’m going to learn how to sew and make stuffed animals! It’s always been something I have had an interest in. The next thing I’m going to buy is a sewing machine for my room and all the necessary supplies. I am planning to take a summer courses to help me learn the basics. Hopefully, after I do it a couple of times I’ll get better at it.

Friday, May 25, 2012

#17 Humber Art Gallery: Sixty Painters (60P)

Me and my Class headed to a small Art Display that is on until June to see some modern pieces. The majority was ethier paints or water colour. I find that these paintings are alot more intresting than historical ones. I love how they used mixed media and find creative was to make thier pieces of work unique from the others! I took a couple of photos of my favourites.

Carol Wajnio
Oil on canvas

John Armstrong and Paul Collins
Oil on Chromoganic Print

Team Macho
Watercolour and ink on paper

Team Macho
Yabba Dabba Doodle
Watercolour and ink on paper


Wednesday, May 23, 2012

#16 Domino Video Effects

Since my class has been focused on music video projects, lighting effects and different ways to use a green screen I decided to share this video with you. It's called Domino by Jessie J, a lot of people may already know it. It uses a lot of amazing effects and the green screen is so unique. The images on the green screen moves around and constantly changes with her outfits. The lighting is great, it varies from pure darks to bright lights. There are great uses of shadows and a flashing horizontal glare that really adds to the video. The camera isn’t steady either, it moves and shifts around to the beat of the music to give the feeling as if you’re dancing or cheering along. I like how they constantly use different views and transactions, it keeps the video interesting. All in all a great example of a music video that will keep your attention!

Monday, May 14, 2012

#15 AWOLNATION - Not Your Fault

This Music Video is full of many different types of media. They include stop motion, acclamation, and a lot of awesome effects. I really like how it's a dream; I think it is really creative. The ending notes of the song make me feel fairly tired after listening to them. The clay mation scene reminds me of those older Christmas clay mations you usually see every year on television, especially the Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer movie. It also reminds me alot of the video by Peter Gabriel called Sledgehammer. Hope you find it interesting!

Watch here if video isen't working

Monday, May 7, 2012

#14 Studio Killers

Music can have a very strange effect on an individual.

I love music as you can tell, and I really enjoy listening to the Studio Killers. They show an amazing amount of talent and hard work through their music and videos. One of the biggest reasons why I think they are unique is their main three characters. It's all animated, there is a minx, a fox and a rather chubby woman named Cherry. The person who sings for Cheery (voice actor) is not actually a girl. She is voiced by a young man named Teemu Brunila and is then adjusted when editing. They use many different technical aspects to create a brilliant viewing experience. There are many different art styles within one music video which I think is very original because most people prefer to stay in the comfort zone and just display one aspect. Some of their songs have stronger meanings and in this video's case, even warnings. In my opinion this video is telling girls to stay away from the boys that will use you, and just wait for the right person. I really love this group and can't wait to see more from them!