Friday, March 18, 2011

Inked Birds

describe whch print you were most satisfied with, explain why:
I chose this because it diden't have any finger prints and the colours complimented each other (I thought).

What was the most difficult part of the assignment?:
the most difficult part of this assignment was the printing. I was afraid of smudging and once you printed more than three you could see paint coming through parts you diden't want it to. I didn't Enjoy the cleaning part though, haha it took so long to clean the ink off the boards and wash the tile and put away all the newsprint and paint, all in all about 10-20 minutes!

Describe what is strong about your design. Why is it a good design?
I honestly wanted to change my design because after looking at it, the print wasen't as big as the paper and made the print look cut off to early. My other idea was to make an owl.

Describe how you used the elements and principles of design in your prints:
I originally wanted it to be yellow and green but finishing it off I felt the green and red verison was better.we needed to carve 70% of the bird by the time we where done.

If you could change one thing about you artwork, what would it be and why?
If i could change one thing on my artwork it would be the sky.I would use diffrent colour paper instead of plain white, it would give the print a diffrent feel to it depending on the colour of paper.

Over all i enjoyed this assighnment and and i am looking forward to our next ones!

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