Thursday, April 26, 2012

Chair Design Assignment: The Thrown

For the past 2-3 weeks me an my CyberArts class has been working on our chair designs and models. We used the designing process to sketch out different unique ideas based on our self thought and personality. After we finally reached our final idea we drew out three dimensional images to help us understand how we would be able to create these actual models. Afterwards we used several different dimensions to think how big the chair would be, we drew a final sketch that would be shaded and added as a reference. After we had all the sketches created we drew out the pieces needed on grid paper to help us get even lines and pieces. We used foam core and paper to create the models. The foam core was very tricky to cut out, I had a bit of problems making it smooth and even. Throne is spelt as so, but I decided to make the spelling as "Thrown" because the back of the chair is leaning out above the seat, looking as if it's going to kick you out of your spot (it also provides shade from the sun). My design is very wavy, curvy and a bit simplistic. This portrays my personality because I am usually all over the place when it comes to getting things done. Even though I am fairly organized I do tend to lose track of things every so often. I am usually always on time with assignments and consider myself to be very organized (likes planning ahead). Some people say this is a bad thing because I never enjoy the time in the present which, sometimes I think is true. I think this assignment was interesting but it really wasn't my cup of tea in the art industry. I prefer sketching and drawing. I think it was a good experience but I don't think I would want to do much more of it.

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